Kashima Shinto-ryu

Systems: kenjutsu (odachi, kodachi)
Date founded: Muromachi period (ca. 1530)
Founded by: Tsukahara Bokuden
Present representative/headmaster: 65th generation headmaster, Yoshikawa Tsuenetaka
Primarily located in: Ibaragi Prefecture


Article  "Kashima Shinto-ryu"
by Meik Skoss
Photo  Naginata technique
Hono Embu, Kashima Shrine, 6/12/94
Photo  Spear ( yari) technique
Hono Embu, Kashima Shrine, 6/12/94
Photo  Statue of Kashima Shinto-ryu founder, Tsukahara Bokuden, in Kashima City
Hono Embu, Kashima Shrine, 6/12/94

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Article  Article at Koryu.com
Book  Book review at Koryu.com
Picture  Photograph at Koryu.com
Video  Link to video
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Last modified on December 27, 2017
URL: https://koryu.com /guide/kashimashinto.html
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Classical Japanese Martial Arts